Our Saints & Blesseds

Alphonsus Liguori
Saint Alphonsus Liguori was born in Marianella near Naples on September 27, 1696. He was the first born of a rather large family belonging to the Neapolitan nobility. His received a broad educ…

Clement Hofbauer
St. Clement was born on the feast of Saint Stephen, December 26, 1751, in Tasswitz, Moravia. He was the ninth of twelve children born to Mary and Paul Hofbauer. Baptized the very next day, he…

Gerard Majella
Gerard was born in 1726 in Muro, a little town in Southern Italy. He was blessed with a mother, Benedetta, who showed him the overwhelming love of God which knows no bounds. He was happy becau…

John Neumann
Bishop of Philadelphia, was born in Prachatitz in Bohemia on 28th March 1811, son of Philip Neumann and Agnes Lebis. He attended school in Budweis and entered the seminary there in 1831. Two y…

Gennaro Sarnelli
Gennaro Maria Sarnelli, the son of the Baron of Ciorani, was born in Naples on September 12, 1702.
At the age of 14 following the beatification of Francis Regis he decided to become a Jesuit. H…

Peter Donders
Peter Donders was born in Tilburg, Holland, on 27th October 1809 of Arnold Denis Donders and Petronella van den Brekel. Because the family was poor, the two sons could be given little schoolin…

Francis X. Seelos
Francis Xavier Seelos was born on January 11, 1819 in Fussen, Bavaria, Germany. He was baptized on the same day in the parish church of St. Mang. Having expressed a desire for the priesthood s…

Kaspar Stangassinger
“Saints have special intuitions”, wrote Father Stanggassinger. “That which is important for me, who am not a saint, are the simple eternal truths: the Incarnation, the Redemption and the Holy…

Methodius Dominik Trcka
Methodius Dominik Trcka was born on 6 June 1886 at Frydlant nad Ostravici (now in the Czech Republic). He was the youngest of seven children. His parents, Frantiska (Frances) Sterbova and Toma…

Ukrainian Martyrs
On April 24th, 2001, in the presence of the Holy Father, a Decree was promulgated declaring that Mykola Carneckyj and twenty-five others, who were killed “in hatred for the faith” during the c…

Mykola (Nicolas) Carneckyj
Mykola (Nicolas) Carneckyj, bishop and apostolic exarch of Volyn’ and Pidljashja, was born on December 14th 1884 in the village of Semakivtsi (Western Ukraine), the eldest of nine children. Hi…

Vsevolod (Basil) Velyckovskyj
Vasyl Vsevolod (Basil) Velyckovskyj, bishop of the “underground” Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church, was born on June 1’ 1903 at Stanislaviv (lvano-Frakivsk), into an old priestly family. As a fi…

Zynovij (Zenon) Kovalyk
Zynovij (Zenon) Kovalyk, priest, was born into a farming family at Ivatsciv Horiscnij (Ternopil) on August 18, 1903. Before entering religious life he was a teacher in a rural elementary schoo…

Ivan Ziatek
Ivan Ziatek, a priest and vicar general of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, was born at Odrekhova (Sjanok, Sanok) in Galizia, on December 26, 1899. His parents, Stepan and Maria were simpl…