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May 2021
Dear Viewers,
The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and reminiscent of springtime birth found in nature. Many Catholics may be aware that May is consecrated to Mary, but it may be unclear why. There are other months dedicated to Marian feasts which include the Feast of the Assumption in August and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in December. May is the time we reflect on the Virgin Mary’s role in salvation and to honor her as the Mother of God.
We discover Mary’s presence in the beginnings of the Church during the Easter season. She was present with the Apostles in the upper room prayerfully waiting for the descent of the Holy Spirit with hopeful expectation. This was the place where the Apostles were preparing to take up this mission with the coming of the Spirit of Truth. Mary guided the Apostles with her exceptional witness of the mystery of Christ, a role she had since His conception and birth. She was a model of true faith who offered the disciples her prayers, motherly care, and witness. She continues to offer us her motherly love and intercession, even today.
During this month of May, let us rediscover her maternal role in each of our lives. Let us offer our spiritual mother our sincere prayers, that just as she aided the first Apostles with her prayers, she may also guide and intercede for us in our journey of faith. Let us learn from her how to love and trust God completely and how to be faithful witnesses of the risen Lord.
It wasn’t until I saw how St. John Paul II loved our Mother that I began to seek her out. Since that time, I realized how much Our Mother loves me and has guided me in her nurturing care since my birth in good and bad times. She will do the same for all people guiding us all to the salvific love of her son Jesus. May the Mother of Perpetual Help guide you, nurture you and lead you to her saving son. .
Thank you for your donation and your prayerful support of the Perpetual Help TV Devotions. Be assured of a remembrance in our Masses and prayers in the months ahead.
Blessings on you and those near and dear to you.
In the Redeemer,
Fr. Babu Mathew, C.Ss.R.