Social Justice

Advent-Christmas 2015 - THE MESSAGE - How Paris Changed the World

posted on 30/11/15 08:55 am by Kathy McMerty  

By Fr. Paul Hansen, C.Ss.R.

In many areas of our world the message of fear is resonating. The word security is on our lips. There is a clash between liberty and security.

Pope Francis says: “we are entering a Third World War in pieces.”

During this Advent-Christmas season I hear another message –

How Bethlehem Changed the World

It is not a message of fear but its opposite – love. Fear demands security. Love invites freedom and life.

The Message of Paris has eclipsed that of Bethlehem. It is not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting; it has not been tried.

As followers of the One from Bethlehem let us, during this special season, gift ourselves and one another with the message of the Beatitudes – attitudes of being disciples in these tense and insecure times.

Attitudes of Being that birth freedom, love and life.

Advent – Christmas 2015

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