Amherstview – Blessed Sacrament parish
An agreement was entered with the Archbishop of Kingston for the care of Bath and Amherstview parishes in this small community west of Kingston on Lake Ontario.
Brockville – St. Mary’s College
This juvenate/minor seminary was established by the Toronto Province for English-Canadian students, who had previously attended the United States juvenates at North East, Pennsylvania (1913-1919) and Kirkwood, Missouri (1913-1920) and Canadian locations at St. Ann’s, Montreal (1911-1913; 1918-1920) and St. Augustine’s, Brandon (1916-1918). Overlooking the St. Lawrence River, the college on a sprawling 260-acre campus could accommodate up to 125 students and was the site of many Redemptorist conferences and events. During the Second World War, the campus was leased to the Department of National Defence (1941-1943). In 1947, the college was reopened for students. Decline in enrolment resulted in the closure in June 1968. Bereans leased the campus, starting in 1969 until 1977 when it was purchased by Grenville Christian School, formerly Bereans.
Enterprise– Church of the Annunciation parish
At the closing of St. Mary’s College, Fr. Russell Conway of the Toronto Province served as resident priest for the parish near Brockville.
Keswick – St. Gerard’s Novitiate
With the closing of St. Alphonsus seminary in Woodstock and the donation of farmland, a herd of cattle and apple orchard by Dr. and Mrs. Heffering, a new Novitiate was constructed on a 100-acre site an hour’s drive north of Toronto. Construction was completed in September 1958 for the increasing number of novices. Within seven years, the Novitiate was closed. The building served as the monastery of the Redemptoristine Nuns from Barrie until 1974 when the building was sold to Georgina Township for municipal offices.
Fr. William Steacy served as a prison chaplain at Joyceville and Millhaven penitentiaries.
London – St. Patrick’s parish
1912-1975; 2002-present
Bishop Michael Fallon of the London Diocese invited the Redemptorists of the Toronto Vice-Province to establish a new parish in the city’s east end. A church was opened in June 1913. An addition was completed in 1922 as well as a new monastery two years later. The London monastery also served as a regional centre for the Mission preachers and later housed Redemptorists, who attended the Divine Word Institute (1966-1970). A new church was opened in 1952. The parish was transferred to the diocese in 1972. Fr. David Furlonger returned to the parish as pastor in 2002.
Oshawa – Monsignor Pereyma Catholic Secondary School
Fr. Donald MacLellan served as chaplain at Monsignor Pereyma Catholic Secondary School. At his retirement in 2002, he was awarded the Queen’s jubilee medal for his service at the school. Six months after his death in 2008, the school chapel was named in his memory. In 2011, the Durham Catholic School Board named the five sites of their alternative high schools as the Father Donald MacLellan schools.
Ottawa – St. Clement’s Mission House
This foundation was the first Mission House for the English-speaking Redemptorists in Canada. A house was purchased in the Westboro area of the city and was sold when the mission house closed.
Oxley – Holy Family Retreat Centre
After finishing his term as Provincial Superior of the Toronto Province, Fr. Desmond Scanlon served at the retreat centre as its director 1996 until 2008 when he retired.
Peterborough – St. Alphonsus parish
Fr. Patrick Gallery began the community in 1944 as chaplain to the five religious congregations. The parish was formed in 1947 and the first church opened on March 6, 1949. Under the Toronto Province Redemptorists, a new church and monastery was built and blessed in 1960 while the old church became the parish hall. The Redemptorists in 1966 assumed the pastoral care of Millbrook Correctional Institute. The parish was returned to the Diocese of Peterborough.
Prescott – Mansion House
Mansion House served temporarily as the preparatory college until St. Mary’s College was opened in 1920
Prescott – Mission Band
The Mission Band, which was part of the community at St. Mary’s College, took up temporary residence in a large house for a year when St. Mary’s was leased to the Armed forces during the Second World War. The house was sold in 1945.
Sudbury – Holy Redeemer parish
The newly-created parish in 1949 was accepted by the Toronto Redemptorists. The first masses were held in the basement of a bilingual parish in Minnow Lake, a small municipality adjunct of Sudbury. Under the Redemptorists, a new church and monastery were built in 1950. On the same street about a kilometre away, a new church was constructed in front of Sudbury and District boys home, which became the renovated rectory. The new church was opened in June 1996. The Redemptorists served the pastoral needs of Burwash parish and correctional centre as well as the outmissions in Killarney and White Fish. The parish was returned to the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie from the Edmonton-Toronto Province.
Toronto – St. Patrick’s parish
1881 – present
The Archdiocese of Toronto established the parish in 1861 and Archbishop J.J. Lynch transferred it to the Baltimore Province Redemptorists. As the parish and Redemptorists grew in numbers, a monastery for 20 priests and brothers was completed in 1886. A new Romanesque church was opened in 1908. Both buildings have been placed on the inventory of heritage properties in Toronto. The monastery became the administrative headquarters for the Toronto Vice-Province (1912-1918) and Toronto Province (1918-1968). Over the years, thousands have attended devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, which were introduced in 1881. During the Second World War, 10 different devotions were scheduled on Wednesdays at the 800-seat church.
Toronto – Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish
Following the opening of the new St. Patrick’s church in 1908, the original church was renamed Our Lady of Mount Carmel and served Italian Catholics and more recently Asian Catholics.
Toronto – St. Patrick’s German parish
In August 1929, Fr. Paul Stroh of the Baltimore Province arrived in Toronto to care for the spiritual welfare of German-speaking Catholics in Toronto, laying the foundation for the German-Catholic parish. A German Settlement House opened in 1930 for social and educational services to assist German immigrants in their adjustment to Canadian life. Later, the Felician Sisters administered a day nursery in an adjoined building. The German parish was united with the English parish in June 2011.
Toronto – St. Clement’s Juvenate
During the lease of St. Mary’s College to the armed forces, the juvenate was moved temporarily to a private dwelling at 149 St. George Street, near St. Patrick’s church. Senior students attended St. Michael’s College School. The juvenate returned to St. Mary’s College in 1947.
Toronto – Our Lady of Assumption parish
At the request of Cardinal James McGuigan, the Toronto Province Redemptorists assumed responsibility of the newly-established parish in the city’s north end. Sunday masses were held in a local movie theatre until the church was opened in 1951 under the direction of pastor Fr. Francis Cunerty, Sr. A new monastery connected to the church was built in 1955. Renovations to the church were undertaken in 1968. The parish was returned to the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Toronto – Perpetual Help Residence, Madonna House, Provincial Residence, Interprovincial novitiate
1956 – present
The house in the city’s north end was purchased as the headquarters for Madonna Magazine. In 1962, a new provincial residence was built and was connected to the original building. The offices of the Toronto Province administration moved in 1968 from St. Patrick’s monastery. During the same year, Madonna Magazine stopped publication. A temporary novitiate was held for a year, ending in 1969. Over the years, the residence also served as a centre for the Mission team. In July 2010, the Interprovincial Novitiate was relocated at the residence.
Toronto – Edith Street Residence
After the closure of Holy Redeemer College in Windsor as a seminary, this house served as a residence for Edmonton and Toronto Province seminarians studying theology at university.
Toronto – King Street
Edmonton Province established a house for their students and formation.
Toronto – Gerard House
Established as a student residence and Novitiate, it was located first on Coxwell Avenue in the city’s east end until 1977. The second location was a newly-renovated house on Howland Avenue in an area north of the University of Toronto. The house was closed in 2003 and sold to the Jesuits in 2006.
Toronto – Casa Kairos
The Edmonton Province established this residence for students in formation. The formation team and students moved to Scala House in Edmonton.
Windsor – St. Alphonsus parish
The London Diocese founded the parish in 1865 and transferred it to the Toronto Province Redemptorists, well-known for their missions and retreats in the area. The parish also served as a Mission House. The parish was returned to the diocese.
Windsor – Holy Redeemer College
Following a successful fund-raising campaign, the seminary was opened in September 1957. It was affiliated with Assumption University in Windsor. After student unrest, it was dissolved as a seminary in November 1965 but continued to offer seminary formation until 1972. The Toronto Province Novitiate was established there (1981-1992). Over the years, it operated as a Retreat Centre. The property was sold to an international boarding school.
Woodstock – St. Alphonsus Seminary
Established as the Toronto Province’s first seminary for English-speaking Canadian students, it was located on the site of the former Woodstock Baptist College. The seminary also held Second Novitiate (1937-1946, except in 1941), and Novitiate (1947-1950 and 1957-1958). Seminarians moved to Holy Redeemer College in Windsor in 1957 and the novices a year later to St. Gerard’s in Keswick.